Skills for Life

Skills for Life in partnership with Oxfam

The Skills for Life project is tackling some of the root causes of BME women’s disadvantage in the labour market. It combines practical work experience with a unique, person-centred package of support, professional coaching, and peer support sessions. Women are taken on a pathway from economic inactivity, removing the obstacles to enable them to progress closer to, or enter the labour market. The partnership aims to help people to achieve rewarding work once employed.

Participants are offered support from a trained Livelihoods Worker who delivers intensive or non-intensive Sustainable Livelihoods Approach (SLA) support, determined by the participant’s needs. The SLA believes that everyone has abilities and assets that can be used to help them manage and improve their lives, and focuses on these to empower women and increase their confidence and sense of self worth. Skills for Life also takes an holistic view of someones’s life to identify opportunities and barriers which may affect someones ability to move into employment.

More information can be found in this video (click)

Skills for Life fits within the Welsh Govt and European funded Communities for Work (CfW) programme and acts as a complementary provision. Communities for Work is a voluntary service for those living in a Communities First (CF) area who need extra help and support to find work.