Free bowel cancer awareness talks

Ebrill yw mis ymwybyddiaeth canser y coluddion April is bowel cancer awareness month     Mae’n gyfle blynyddol gwych i addysgu eich busnes, mudiad neu grŵp cymunedol am y clefyd…

Science Festival Tuesday 21st

Brunel St, Cardiff CF11 6ES Date: Tuesday, 21st February 2023 Time: 11:00-15:00 Suitable for Families and Children of all ages (except toddlers). Event Details Event Description Lego satellite Builder Workshop…

Science Festival and Printhaus

South Riverside Community Development Centre Brunel St, Cardiff CF11 6ES Date: Tuesday, 21st February 2023 Time: 11:00-15:00 Suitable for Children of all ages (except toddlers) and Families   CSF Committee…

Half-Term at Chapter

Hello from Chapter! With February half-term coming up, we wanted to share with you the events we’re hosting for children and parents / guardians alike.    Free family films on…

job opportunities

Work at Cheltenham Festival Niccolò Rossi, Marketing Associate here at Off to Work: the UK’s leading Hospitality Staffing provider since 2000. I wanted to get in touch as we’re looking to…