For those needing assistance, see the map on above link and then the coordinators can be contacted as follows: Area A – North East Grangetown (Taffs Mead) – Dafydd…
Author: Don Philpotts
International Women’s Day Banquet at WMC was attended by volunteers from Credu Believe project at SRCDC. With thanks to Geema Hicks.
Pedal4IT Credu / Believe
We would like to thank Hilary at Pedal Power and Cycle Wales for their support. This was our last lesson with pedal Power today (3/3) and all those who have…
Gold Plus Award
Three members of staff at the Young Children and Parents’ Project will be receiving the Gold Plus Award. To gain this award the providers encourage a ‘whole setting…
International Women’s Day March 8, 2020 Women’s chat part of the Believe – Credu project are preparing to march in Cardiff
SRCDC welcomes Slovakian Ambassador
His Excellency L’ubomír Rehák visited SRCDC – Director Neil Binnell welcomed the ambassador to the centre – in Brunel St. SRCDC is always open to forging new links from all…
BBC Opportunity Knocks!
The BBC are holding a recruitment event in Brunel St Hall for local residents @SRCDC_Cardiff on Tuesday 28th January drop-in from 2 pm – 6 pm.
FAN Group – meet every Thursday 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
@SRCDC Brunel St Hall CF11 6ES Meet make friends, share a brew, bring some food