Wyndham St Pantry

We Can Work It Out (WCWIO) – Set up the Pantry during COVID lockdown, and largely in response to the need for vulnerable families to receive food delivered who were…

Doorstep Revolution Gentle Radical

Doorstep Revolution We’re excited to tell you about our new Doorstep Revolution project, funded through a grant from the National Lottery Community Fund’s Emerging Futures Programme. This enables us to work directly…

Voluntary Trustee Position

Are you passionate about women’s birth rights and positive birth experience? Do you have the drive and passion to ensure that vulnerable women are supported throughout pregnancy and motherhood? More…

Wyndham Pantry

From December the Pantry enters a new phase a food club run by and for the community.

School Admissions – Cardiff Council

Czech https://youtu.be/2rSd_AwMsB0 Somali https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cPhMftowlRc&feature=youtu.be Arabic – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tBSw2n2P4Ms Romanian https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kY0yOk0U4Ak Portugese https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tZ7dfuIcj5g Polish https://youtu.be/V-vEZxiAI4E Bengali https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pxbcFgDVmFA

Start Your Own Business

PopUp Business School- Sign Up’s NOW OPEN Into Work Advice Service Free online business start-ups course for Cardiff residents this October The PopUp Business School online workshop event, which is…

Bereaved during the COVID-19 pandemic?

Anyone who has experienced the loss of a close family member, friend or other loved one who died in the UK since the 16th March 2020, whether this was caused by COVID-19 or another cause of death.

Cardiff’s Race Equality Taskforce

Deadline Sept 18th to apply to be member of Cardiff’s Race Equality Taskforce In autumn 2020, Cardiff Council will convene a Race Equality Taskforce to address racial discrimination and promote…