Author: Don Philpotts
Portuguese? EU Settlement Scheme Advice
The Consulate-General of Portugal in Manchester would like to inform you that, during the next outreach consular visit to be held in Cardiff between the 31st May and 04th June,…
GOFOD3 Voluntary Sector Wales
Have you heard the news? gofod3 – the biggest voluntary sector event of its kind in Wales – is back. Taking place online between 28 June and 2 July, this…
Interpreting Course
Please contact by 28th May
Mindset Matters
Virtual wellbeing drop in sessions we run at The Prince’s Trust. ‘Mindset Matters’ are weekly evening sessions which take place every Wednesday at 6pm on MS Teams. Eligibility: Ages 16-30s…
**YP NEEDED! The Princes Trust – EXPLORE Programme Summer 2021**
The Princes Trust are running an online Summer Programme known as ‘EXPLORE’ It is a FREE 6 week course being delivered on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays completely online via Microsoft…
Garden Makeover by Taff Housing
Big Shout out to TAFF Housing Staff for a magnificent days work on our back garden.
Adult Learning New Courses
Monday 17th – Friday 21st