As part of a science inspired day led by two fantastic workshops part of the Cardiff Science Festival @CdfScienceFest – Jo and her team led the “Every Otter Tells a Tale” which 5 local families enjoyed greatly. While over in the Wyndham St Centre Jake and his colleagues ran sessions every 30 mins on Sensors: From Animation to Rehabilitation from 11:00 til 15:00.
Jake from the SPIN team at Cardiff University – read their blog here: let a really interactive presentation incorporating – virtual reality – rehabilitation inspired games and animation movement sensing technology; as used in TV & film.
Jo from Cardiff University Otter Project and research here

In the Pantry as children waited for sessions they were introduced to Gloop and Fake Snow by JackieJ and her team
Idrissa, Nick, Ahmed led several family groups with a chance to try drumming, guitar and voice – a laptop was turned into an Oscilloscope and Spectrum analyser with the wonderful Visual Analyser application.

The shape of the sound waves could be viewed – and the frequencies of the sounds displayed and analysed.

A session was recorded using the Audacity application.

Thanks to Sharon for organising this years day and Hussein for the lovely food. The Credu Believe project financed all the additional costs of the day.