Please see attached poster detailing the short courses for February weeks four and five. There will be another poster on Monday 28th to detail training for the middle of March.
These courses are open to anybody regardless of whether they could attend e-learning instead. Please ask your participants to call Advice Line 02920 871071 to begin the booking process for these courses, or if you have access to eDiary you can book them onto the course yourself – please be mindful of maximum room numbers and include contact details for your participants.
As with e-learning, to receive these courses for free learners must be either:
– Over 16 and not in full- or part-time work or education.
– Over 50 and not in part-time work.
I have also included the poster for the Digital Inclusion sessions which have also restarted as of Monday 31st. There are no eligibility requirements for these as anybody is welcome.