Places in Riverside and Grangetown

Join Zineb and others on the Walk & Talk Resource walk Friday 19th November at 10 a.m. meet up at SRCDC Brunel St map.

Zineb will guide you on a walk through the area to learn about many of the places and what they do.

Some of the organisations are:

  • South Riverside Community Development Centre -A centre providing workshops and support around employment, training, volunteering, providing a weekly food pantry and many other activities.
    Check out
  • The Wyndham St Centre, the Riverside Pantry is opposite is the Riverside Warehouse when not opening as a pantry the spaces are open for community events and bookings.
  • Women Connect First- Health & Emotional Wellbeing, Homework Club, and support for women only.
  • The Mosque on Clare Rd
  • Grangetown Hub – Cardiff City Council HYB find more on
  • Clare Food Stores – the renowned (and relocated) shop selling lots of ‘world foods’ – International Food Ingredients, including HALAL meats
  • Huggard Homeless Shelter – ‘For more than 30 years, anyone seeking help and refuge from the streets have come to us for food, and a safe, warm place to stay’
  • Cardiff Housing Options – If you are homeless or under threat of becoming homeless please contact us as soon as possible on 029 2057 0750​.  Outside of our opening hours, please contact us on 029 2087 3141 in an emergency.
    We have a range of services for people who are:

    • Street homeless
    • Sofa surfing
    • Losing their family or rented home
    • At risk of having their home repossessed

  • Cardiff & Vale College – REACH – learn English here – and a few other things!
  • Cardiff Library – main hub Cardiff City Council – advice and support for many things
  • Castle Castle – Coffee at the castle, come and join Zineb and others

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