Memory Box

Dear friends you are invited to take part in a lovely free  project for adults (or children working with adults) at Whitchurch Hub – you can create a memory box. 

Looking for a perfect Christmas present? Look no further! Memory Box Art Project with Anthony Evans for adults or children accompanied by and working with parents, grandparents!

Make a box of memories- come and join Anthony Evans at the Library for this Art Project. You will need to bring your personal mementoes, souvenirs and photos (nothing too big!)

First session: SATURDAY 27th. November, 10-12 a.m

Due to Covid restrictions 8 persons only per session. Therefore, first come first served.

To make a booking, contact:

Bocs Atgofion gyda Anthony Evans

Dewch i ymuno gyda Anthony Evans i greu bocs o atgofion. Bydd angen eich ffotos a’ch trugareddau personol I greu yr arlunwaith.

Sesiwn cytaf: Sadwrn, 27 Tachwedd, 10-12am

Oherwydd COVID dim ond 8 person ym mhob sesiwn felly…. cyntaf i’r felin……

I sicrhau lle ar y cwrs, cysylltwch gyda


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