Diverse Cymru – BAME Mental Health Online/Telephone Support Project
Diverse Cymru are currently looking for volunteers who can speak community language(s) who would be able to assist on this project.
See below volunteer poster translated into Bengali, Arabic and Urdu.
Below is a short job description for the volunteers.
- Support the project coordinator in delivering sessions in different languages based on personal language skills.
- Facilitating activities alongside the project coordinator.
- Provide feedback and suggestions on activities.
- Training, supervision, and support will be provided.
- Provide one to one telephone support to service users.
Please if you know anyone who would like to volunteer or would benefit from attending sessions please email:

BAME-Mental-Health-online-and-telephone-Support-poster-English BAME-Mental-Health-online-and-telephone-Support-poster-Arabic BAME-Mental-Health-online-and-telephone-Support-poster-English-headline-Bengali BAME-Mental-Health-OnlineTelephone-Support-Project-Urdu-English-Tittle February-events-event-calendar-PDF