Street Games funding- After School Club

Great news – from September, on Tuesdays, children in Riverside will be able to benefit from some fabulous after school activities.

This Thursday will be the last session for fit and fed this summer so Ranu is setting up some nice surprises for the kids to try, with the support of some local businesses – with something for the kids. Two businesses: Jannat Sarees have promised a big cake; One Stop Shop in Grangetown will surprise us with a box of goodies; hopefully both Clare food store and the local Spar will also be generous.

Some of the children have expressed a interest in boxing, and Ranu is approaching a local sportsman to come and show the kids some combinations and few tips.

A football coach whom currently runs coaching for kids will come in and have a kick about.

The younger children will be able to do art in the activity room. Thanks to the volunteers who have offered their time for this.

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